Notifications: Receive notifications for app updates and new messages.Multi-Touch Gestures: Control apps with multi-touch gestures.ICloud: Synchronize your data with iCloud.Games: Play games with a realistic touch-screen interface.File Sharing: Share files with friends and family.Download Manager: Manage your downloads with a built-in download manager.Customizable: Create a customized look and feel.Custom Icons: Create custom icons for apps and files.App Store: Browse and download apps from the App Store.AirPlay: Stream audio and video content to an Apple TV.Integrates with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp and YouTube.Otherwise, iPadian is an interesting iPad simulator. Since this program is no longer maintained, some of the more advanced programs like YouTube no longer function properly and may crash. With iPadian, you can play around with features and tools which look and act like those on iPad and other iOS devices. If you've ever seen the commercials for Apple products, you might be intrigued to actually try them out without making a big purchase. It also includes a Facebook app along with YouTube access and other utilities like clock, calendar and others. You can open App Store which gives you access to many different types of iPad apps like games or multimedia. The response time of the program to user actions is impressive, and the integrated and downloaded apps take only a short time to load. The program runs in fullscreen mode but allows users to access the desktop using a dedicated button in the lower right side of the screen.

Upon launching iPadian, users will be greeted with a virtual iPad interface that looks strikingly similar to an actual iPad. It is worth noting that IPA apps cannot be emulated with iPadian. It is designed to be an iOS simulator that allows users to run iOS apps on their Windows computers, albeit with certain limitations.

It might be comparable to some of the Android Players out there. IPadian is a free iPad simulation tool which does not change your own operating system but really on top of your desktop like most other Windows apps but in full screen. Transforms your desktop into something resembling the Apple iPad. Advertisement Bring the look and feel of an iOS device to Windows computer, test apps and play games.