For high-quality audio, we recommend either 44100 Hz (CD Quality) or 48000 Hz (DVD Quality)

Choose VBR when you want to optimize file size and quality (the encoder will use a higher bitrate for complex content while saving bitrate from areas that do not need as much data. Audio Rate Control - You can either use VBR (Variable Bit Rate) or CBR (Constant Bit Rate).Doing so will also unlock most of the following advanced options. Audio Codec - Select the MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III) codec for the best MP3 quality.

Use our Advanced Settings to perfectly convert any file to MP3 format. Simply use the URL upload method and enter any audio or video file URL. Plus, you can also convert online audio & video files to MP3 format. We support wav, flac, wma, m4a, alac, ogg, aac, amr, aiff, mp4, m4v, mkv, avi, wmv, f4v, f4p, mov, and more. Our MP3 Converter can convert any audio or video file to MP3 format.